Monday, April 28, 2008

End my lecture and workshop by with yq all for lunch at ct 1 and then joined my grp, 'the apprentice' , for DSS discussion at the mac 'nearby'...saw Serena on my way to mac..haha..LIKE THOSE RED EYES OF URS MAN..Onion Head
The grp and i den decided to walk back to np de ourspace@72 to cont'd discussing..
dragging our worn out feets on the ground with the sun high up in the sky... Onion Head Emoticonsphew~
. doing BLAW tutorial qns and trying to complete the last 1/4 of the DSS assignment..
before i end this entry and cont'd my work, here are 2 pictures proudly sponsored by Charles..Enjoy? Onion Head Emoticons

Sorry the pictures being so on the picture to enlarge.

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