Saturday, November 22, 2008


what a week man...

(Tired-ness + Busy-ness) x Done = Happy + Restless

To begin with, CATS presentation...

I FINALLY cleared my CATS presentation!!

My presentation was on Cultural Quotient, CQ in short...

Well i fact, the whole of my CATS class chose CQ...

but then the comparison used were different for all groups...

One group chose to compare how people from Africa and from Singapore(Chinese)
do Funerals...

They did a skit of a chinese funeral...

Here are some snapshots that i took during their skit...

Well, i think overall their skit/presentation was so interesting...
they were daring too, to choose this 'funeral' topic...

Didn't play basketball today...
I didn't go for my niece's 满月today...

But instead, went for the Fuhua NCC Amazing Sentosa...

So sian throughout the Race..

Sun was scorching...Lots of Walking...Running...Lots of bikini babes...Lots of Fried Rice i had...
Here are some photos taken there...

This vending machine was a money-dispenser...

We took these coins that was dispensed out from the vending machines and insert them back in the vending machine...

Then few dollars were despensed out together with these coins..

Free drinks scammed...

So cooling~...

Now that my CATS and the Ncc Amazing Race'08 had sucessfully come to an end,

I can temporarily take a breather and rest

I will have to prepare for my OBSE project and BCOMM assignment next week...

...Restless JJWu bids goodbye to you...

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